Celebrating International Women’s Day at Spica

by | 08 Mar 2019


One thing that we value most at Spica is ensuring we all have a work-life balance. We believe this is important because we see the benefits of being fulfilled outside of the office carried into the office with greater engagement and innovative thinking.

I’m sure you would agree that balance in everything is key.

This couldn’t be truer than when it comes to running a successful innovative team. Innovation at the core requires

  • different perspectives
  • a combination of approaches to problem-solving
  • a high degree of empathy & creatively in order to deliver products and services that are truly valued by the end users.

…which is we appreciate having a great balance of awesome people in our team.

Seeing as it is International Women’s Day, we want to celebrate and showcase the amazing ladies who each kick-arse in their respective fields by opening their Case Files to share with you all.

We hope to inspire young women into the IT industry by shining a light on the different digital career options and pathways available.

Meet: Lynda

Position: Chief Product Officer

Mission: Helping our customers and users address their pain points by having a good experience using our products and realising the value from data.


  1. Define Product Strategy
  2. Mentor team of designers
  3. Work with customers to explore and apply new use cases

Journey: Studied Mathematics at University. Applied enjoyment of solving puzzles and spotting patterns to a career in Tech. Previous experience as an IT consultant highlighted the importance of a focus on value created and user engagement.

Work-Life balance: Always planning her next adventure. A keen cyclist, touring in the UK and Europe and a recent boxing convert. Enjoys reading and cooking for more relaxing downtime.

Recommendations: The best way to know if you can do something is to try, then reflect and iterate to improve.


Meet: Meena

Position: Senior Developer


  1. Code in new features
  2. Improve existing features of Devicepoint® product

Journey: Nurtured desire to keep learning and keep opening doors. Studied Engineering at University.

Work-Life balance: An avid reader and writing her own pieces of fiction. Willing to sacrifice sleep and food for engaging conversations discussing the inner works of movies.

Recommendations: Never believe what you have been told, and don’t assume Tech is hard without giving it a try.


Meet: Olga

Position: Junior Product Designer


  1. Design visually user-friendly products
  2. Enhance aesthetics to improve customer experiences.

Journey: Nurturing her visually creative eye. Plan A was to design buildings after receiving her Engineering degree in Architecture until discovering the fascinating world of UI & UX design.

Work-Life balance: As a native Polish speaker she enjoys exploring new cultures and putting her Italian and Spanish knowledge to work while travelling.

Recommendations: Connect design with its receivers by understanding their interactions & behaviours.


Meet: Kelly

Position: Project Manager


  1. Facilitate the schedule of work
  2. Liaise with clients to deliver on their needs
  3. Support a high-performing team

Journey: A bit of a loose cannon. Nurturing a continuous case of curiosity. Experience in delivering an Innovation Precinct for the city of Auckland NZ.

Work-Life balance: Takes pleasure from personal development activities. A novice podcaster and when time allows likes to shake hips on the dance floor.

Recommendations: All knowledge is self-knowledge – Bruce Lee. Never stop reflecting.


Meet: Lauren

Position: IT Apprentice


  1. Be open to opportunities and develop an array of IT skills
  2. Explore and experiment with new passions

Journey: Nurturing her sense of adventure by parking on a level 3 IT infrastructure technician course.

Work-Life balance: Nothing says balance quite like spending time with Family, friends and furry loved ones out in nature.

Recommendations: Focus on Tech as it is fundamental to our day to day lives now.


Meet: Preeya

Position: Customer Success Manager


  1. Help customers to reach the end goals by understanding the data
  2. The go to person for Spica customers.

Journey: Nurturing a love of technology. Continuously sharpening skills. Learning on the go by doing it and working with all sorts of people.

Work-Life balance: A real Great British Bake-off contender. Loves watching Cricket and dancing, with a flair of Reggaeton. There is always a party to be with this one.

Recommendations: Fuel your passions.


Meet: Gemma

Position: Human Resource Manager


  1. Create a working environment which is engaging and dynamic.
  2. Enhance job satisfaction and productivity.
  3. Implement an HR strategy to retain our winning culture and values.


Journey: Gained a wide range of hands-on business experience whilst completing Bsc and MSC qualifications part-time enabling the connection between theoretical back to practical experiences. For the past ten years, she has been working on a consultancy basis for several SMEs across a range of sectors before taking on this exciting challenge at Spica.

Work-Life Balance: A busy working mum. A keen member of This Girl Runs (TGR) group. Enjoys new experiences from trying new cuisine, visiting new places, live performances and learning new skills.

Recommendation: ‘Always go with the choice that scares you the most, that’s the one that will help you to grow ‘ Caroline Myss

If you would like to learn more about Spica’s team and the incredible work we do, feel free to pay us a visit at on LinkedIn, Twitter or the Spica Home.